
Donate for our next performance

Support us
- with an amount of your choice or
- with an in-kind donation, e.g. for the procurement of musical material, the rental of the rehearsal rooms, the hall rental or for the fees of the participating artists.

A donation receipt will be issued for each donation.

Bank account:
Berliner Operngruppe e.V.

Volksbank Berlin
IBAN: DE83 1009 0000 2966 2500 06

Become a supporting member of the Berliner Operngruppe e.V.

- Reduction on the regular ticket price
- Program booklet service- Opportunity to visit rehearsals by arrangement
- Name in our program booklet (if desired)
- Annual donation receipt for your donation

Please send your application form for supporting membership in the Berliner Operngruppe e.V..

Please send your application form as a PDF file to,

or by mail to:

Berliner Operngruppe e.V.
Geschäftsführung Ulrike Bährle
c/o Tilman Wolff-Siemssen
Kopischstraße 3
10965 Berlin

The board of directors decides on membership in the Berliner Operngruppe e.V.

For further questions please contact

Application form for sustaining membership
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